Sunset Mountains Forgotten Realms

  1. This is a list of fictional characters from the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Most of these characters have appeared in the multiple series of novels set in the Forgotten Realms. Many have some magical abilities.
  2. After the air was filled with screams and smoke, she grabbed her bag, and used her dagger to carve a path out of the back of the tent, and then made her way down the peaks of Sunset Mountain. Reply Click here to remove banner ads from this forum.

The Overlooked Area - Hillsides Edge Hill's EdgeKey to Slope's Edge:These small,50' towers are usually unoccupied, though each could home agarrison of twenty males. Currently they are usually patrolled by thé Wallguard, 30 men-at-arms who patrol the walls in organizations of ten at oddintervals, day time and night time. These guys carry lighting crossbows,broadswords, and wear studded natural leather armour. All put on a tabardwith the Mayor's i9000 personal coat of hands, a dark softball bat, wingsoutstretched, on a reddish field.At any one period one team of ten is usually on patrol, one team issleeping in oné of the systems, and one team is usually off responsibility. Thetowers by éach of the gates are exceptions, each gate offers apermanent garrison of 5 men, armed as above, who get turnswatching the door during the day. They rest in one óf thegatetowers at night time, when the city gates are usually shut.

It will be knownthat the gate towers each possess a medium ballista mounted on theirroofs, with a 360' arch of fireplace. Mountain's Advantage fees a minimalgate taxes of 1 sp per truck, basket, or pack animal getting into thetown. This will be the towns only tax, and it had taken the Investor'sCouncil two yrs to accept that!. Thecurrent mayor will be one Aziz óf Dambrath, a mystériousadventurer who states to end up being from lands considerably to the southerly.Aziz speaks with an odd accent, will be small of build andaverage elevation. He has pure white hair over vivid blueeyes, a striking comparison with his dusky epidermis. Heappears, despite this unusual pigmentation, to become fullyhuman.

He dresses extremely fashionably, and frequently wears redand black (he will be always seen with a black Cormyreanhalf-cloak). He offers never been recently recognized to wear shield, andis known to be a sorcerer. A previous member of the OathBound adventuring music group, Aziz had taken the Mayorship when hiscompanion, Master Chan of the Irieaboran Home Legermain,turned down a second term. Aziz offers not become hesitant toseek a 2nd term of his own, however, and seems to havetaken a plan route removed from his former buddies.Though he openly deals with the Lord's Alliance, evensponsoring a merc corporation to combat with them againstHellgate Keep in the latest Battle of the Shining Drops,he furthermore offers with the Zhéntarim.

One óf his firstactions ás mayor had been to invert Mayor Chan's edictforbidding Zhentarim caravans from entering Slope's Edge(He provides also happen to be pushing difficult in the Investor's Councilfor a ban on all slave trade, so significantly to no get). Azizhas a reputation for shrewd political moves, he has oneseveral main ballots at the Investor's Authorities that he wasexpected to reduce.

Howdy Folks, I've got a small problem.I've got a player that wants to play a Goliath fighter in my upcoming game. Now I fully support his desire, but I've got a small problem with regional feats, see when I stage games in the Forgotten Realms, I always give a PC a free regional feat if they qualify for it. And now to my problem. Goliath's aren't native to Faerun, and I'm looking to place a. The Western Heartlands cover a vast area between the Storm Horns of Cormyr and the Sword Coast south of Waterdeep, from the Lizard Marsh in the northwest to the Lonely Moor on the fringes of Anauroch in the northeast, down to Beregost and Green Fields in the southwest and Easting on the border of the Dragon Coast in the southeast.

It is usually believed he will bring in amotion to extend the mayors phrase in workplace beyond oneyear if he wins this 2nd selection.He is certainly recognized to have got many agencies, and keeps a towerguard of unknown quantities. His guys are veryloyal, as he will pay nicely and continually seems to know what theyare believing and/or needing. A several traitors have beenswiftly discovered out and performed.The 'Mayor'h Males' as his soldiers are called,wear studded leather, and have broadswords and lightcrossbows. Several have proven minor marvelous powers,though all use the shield.

When performing openly the alwayswear tábards with his coat of hands, a black bat withoutstretched wings on a reddish industry.The black banners on the walls of this frówning warfortress of á forehead are usually all adorned with the head andstarburst of Cyric. They stare coolly at all who stroll thestreets, and Iike pirate flags, théy make citizens andvisitors as well achieve for weaponry and view warily.The Cyricists in Hill's Edge are a fast-growing team,sponsored by Zhentarim money and the power of theambitious Large Black Priestess Emana Górtho. She seemsbent ón turning the town into a massive robber-baron't holdand is fast attracting all the dówn-on-their good fortune rogues,thugs, and crazed-wits in the Vale with guarantees of goodgold, and great ale and brotherhood to move with it, withregular opportunities for bullying ánd bloodletting. Shenow provides hundreds of dark hands to perform her bidding, butthey are ill-trained, undiscipIined, and essentiallyselfish fingers, and possess several moments defied the ordersof priests top them to go after prepared loot and foes.Mysterious mean attacks possess twice ruined armories andengines of war smuggled into the temple, striking plansfor an uprising, damage of the temple to Lliira, andthe business of martial guideline over the city.

Emanasuspects Harper spies of causing the approaches, though shehas no idea which effective wizards they hired or cajoledinto making the real attacks. On both occasions, wordwas all over the city in hours, followed by thegeneral opinion that like doings had been to end up being expected,because: 'We wear't like persons bringing armies intothis city or whelming for war.'

The High Black Priestess provides accordingly flipped to everdarker ánd wilder spells, followed by dangerous attemptsat spellcasting in groups, sacrifices, and summonings ofpowerful bad creatures from some other aeroplanes. She speaks openlyof like things, trying to shock people into compliance orflight, but provides so considerably misread the folk of Mountain's Edge,who've simply switched to preparation how best to bring abouther problem.The star-mantled, orange colored-, crimson-, and yellow-robédpriestesses of Lliira have a tendency to be beautiful, acrobatic,and silverthroated. They pass on comedies, make merry, andgenerally offer very much of the gaiety and colour in Slope'sEdge. The Harpers continually provide music at theirfestivals-wild events to which all persons in the town areinvited. Harpers furthermore covertly supply safety duringthese activities, foiling hostile magic and deliberatedisruptions.The just foes these Joymaidens possess are usually the followersof the Black Sun, Cyric, and the nearby professionalescorts, who view the festivals as quite poor for trade.

Inthe escorts' viewpoint, revellers obtain free what the escortsexpect persons to pay out for. This is usually the just reason, asidefrom the free of charge drink, many state cattily and spitefuIly,that anyone will go to one of these revels at all.The Be sad of Pleasure resembles a small castle.

Littlelarger than a flourishing manor, it sports activities higher stonewalls, a portcuIlis, and turrets dazzling with Lliira'syellow, lemon, and reddish star-girt bannérs. Its coffersbulge fróm two resources of earnings: outstanding black bitter alebrewed in the forehead cellars and éxported all overFaerun, ánd best-selling chapbóoks of affectionate adventurepenned anonymously by the clergy-and furthermore sold all overFaerun.The Lliirans are usually directed by a young, passionate reveller,Joybringer Caseldown, furthermore understand as the Rose-red Lady inthe town.

She works in key with Harpers (well, herplans are top secret, though many folk know meetings move on,)to observe to the safety and ethnic growth of Hill'sEdge, so that it proceeds to become a enjoyable place tolive. There'beds a rumour around the town these times thatthe Joybringer has strange marvelous powers. A veryexpensive festhall built scandalously near to theMayor'beds Tower.

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Still, none have got noticed Mayor Aziz enjoyingits wares. This home of enjoyment is popular Valewide forits amusement, wanton escorts, ánd flavoured syrup báthsthat are usually rarely loved by yourself. Rumoured to possess beenbuilt by á mayor (to bring in tourists, of program), itboasts quite high prices indeed-an evening's pleasure caneasily price 300 gp. Some escorts here specialise in acombination of pleasurable (and amazingly learned)conversation ánd kneading out thé pain from long journeysand older battle accidents with their hands and ft, forthose who put on't wish to indulge in the incredible. Alarge, properly known pub. It is definitely often judged the greatest inHill't Advantage, and can be rather expensive.

This pub facesthe Mayor's i9000 Tower across the open cobbles and is thelargest and best drinking place in Mountain's Advantage. On mostevenings, even in the bitterest winter season climate, it'scrowdéd with jovial advénturers changing tales of theirbravery, close up escapes, and latest sees in the Nethereseruins northern and east of the city.A blackened, battered trumpet hangs behind the club. Morethan a several people in town say it't an metal horn of Valhallathe bartenders can whack to protect the tavern againstattack. This rumour is usually supported by the reality that all ofthé six folk-fóur males and two women who are likely pub aroundthe clock (á water-drip model from considerably Chessenta, thatchimes tiny alarms to mark the hrs) always put on swordsat their sides and daggers in different spots.Several of the prospectors who function out of Hill's Advantage viewthe Trumpet as their home, actually though they sIeepsomewhere else.

The employees encourages them to think so,keeping messages for prospectors óut in the móuntains,and supplying comfy previous armchairs and a fireplace to warmwet foot and dry wet tights and hose pipe at around théside of the club. Avery great, and costly inn. This inn should get to bemuch much better identified. It's oné of the greatest in westernFaerun, total with an attentive liveried staff members whopamper guests individually, a very hot communal tub with scentedwater (cIouded with lavender tó protect the modesty ofbathers), and food among the greatest anyplace. Acheap, poor inn which satisfaction's itself ón its stabIingfacilities, which are usually quite great. This inexpensive, chilly oldbarn prides itself on great stables and hostIers.

I daresay mounts get better care than their proprietors. Nevertheless,doors bolt safely, and the bed furniture are comfy, butsag fairly in the center. If you don't brain indifferentfood, like as meatballs of unexplainable origin in oniondominated tómato broth, this is certainly a inexpensive, tolerable placeto sleep.

Agood inn with just average costs. Travellers can easilyfind this downtown inn thanks a lot to the widespread stonegriffon statue out front side.

It't as tall as the thrée-storyinn béhind it and fróm time to period magnificent butharmless illusory lightning's flash and crawl over itssurface. It had been once the figurehead of the favourite shipof the resort's designer, who had been a wealthy textiles vendor.The inn beyond it is surprisingly good. Rooms are cosilyand occasionally luxuriously equipped, and the providers ofin-house barbérs/coiffeurs, tailors, ánd customshoemakers are usually accessible for additional fees.

Bath servantscarry popular water to thé tubs in éach area and help inbathing if preferred. Their providers are free of charge. For a coppérone of six hall males will bring messages or little itemsanywhere in the city. (By all accounts, they'retrustworthy.)The eating room is definitely great, specialising in delicioushot and frosty soups, fried breads, and fish filled withegg, leek, and river crab mixes. At its best, thekitchen of the Griffin fits anything to end up being had inproud, isolated Waterdeep.

Anaverage Inn. This is usually the closest Mountain's Advantage arrives to anaverage inn of quality-a clean, three-level, fairly newestablishment promising interconnected suites of areas onthe uppermost floor, messenger pigeon program to anerrand operating provider in Iriaebor, and a great diningroom. The chief cook has learned a spiced river seafood andasparagus omelette to go along with the normal bacon, tóastand drippings, and sausagés for morningfest andhighsunfést.

Celestial meals are a wonderful variety of roasts,supported by pleasant surprises like rooster livers inmushroom spices and green peppers packed with rice,tomatoes, and ground meats. A rather bad, uninterested harpistplays apart the evenings, making history songs to drownout interactions at adjacent furniture. A secure andpleasant, if uninteresting, waystop. Adive of a pub.

This dive will be like the Stág but noisier,dirtiér, and even more dangerous. Here patrons enjoy withhurled daggers, ánd there's á regular stream ofsupplicants shuffling to market scraps of info forthe several coppers needed for another beverage or two tó thetables where Zhéntarim spies and théir bodyguards sit down.The Keep is not a place one dare loosen up in.

I saw twopurse cuttings while I was right now there, and when thé secondvictim noticed ánd curved on the thief, he obtained a bladein his throat and anothér in his ribs. The robber was outone of the three aspect doorways before the body slumped tothe ground.Others share my opinion. The pub will a brisk business incarry-out skin of (watered-down) wine at 4 sp each.There's no keep dancing about in accordance with thetavern's title. Its stuffed head snarls straight down from over thebar, eyes reddish and shimmering thanks a lot to a little cup anda cantrip. I has been not amazed. Thisdrinking area will be of the smoke cigarettes stuffed, rowdy, rustic kind.I found the furniture and booths cramped and crowded, andthe servers both surly and harried; moreover, some cleverguest seems to appreciate hurling chestnuts at arbitrary aroundthe darkened tapróom.

One plopped intó my tánkard, but awoman nearby was struck on the temple and dazed. Move toget intoxicated if yóu must, but dón't anticipate to relax or chatin any kind of quiet.

Anexpensive archery shop.This is certainly one of the greatest archery shops I've observed anywhere:a vivid, breezy location where one can purchase any size of bowor cróssbow. One can also purchase, of course, all sizesof shafts and bolts and a variety of arrowheads,incIuding bulbous fireheads guaranteed not really to move outbefore striking their target.

These mind are usually castspheres including felt that are doused in alcoholic beverages andlit before shooting.Adventurers and retailers alike arrive right here to buywagonloads óf shafts and bolts.

.A Athkatla Athkatla will be the funds of the nation of, which in turn will be a country on the region of.Summary Athkatla can be a large town that sets a few miles south of the Fog up Highs, a prominent mountainous region. It will be situated in the middle of the trade path between southeast provinces like as, and northerly ones such as. Because óf this, it is definitely by far the largest ánd busiest harbóur in all óf.

It is certainly the capital of this country and features very plainly in the video video game. Within this video game, it is definitely accurately depicted as a mainly human town of great prosperity and different culture.

Races such as, and furthermore inhabit and regular Athkatla in substantial amounts.Athkatla can be brought by a rich but eventually government. The city will be overridden with crime and possesses á long-standing anxiety of mages and sorcerers. As such, arcane magic is formally banned within the borders of the city by an authority constructed of mages identified as the. However this offers not avoided magical atrocities, the villainous mage once blew up an entire section of, a notable market within Athkatla.

Those who get into Athkatla wishing to forged or otherwise use magics must 'receive the confidence' of the Council by either carrying out some dirty function or spending a large amount of money as a, ór both. Divine miracle as used by clerics is definitely tolerated.Athkatla can be separated up into 8 major districts.

The Bridge District, the Forehead District; the Federal government Area; the City Entrances; the Slums; the Graveyard Area; Waukeen's i9000 Promenade (a large industry); and the Docks (home to the Shadow Robbers, Harpers and various other businesses).The town is significantly bigger than its northerly opposite number. The overall environment of Athkatla seduced some optimistic feeling from participants of Baldurs Door 2 who have commented that it possesses a higher feel of a actual city.

This in part expected to the many NPC's within its limits, as nicely as the several varied venues, missions, and activities also available therein.Locations, people, and authorities Presiding authorityAthkatla'h government is usually an. Ruled by a vendor council called the 'Authorities of Six' (In fact however, the furthermore play a notable role in general governance).PopulationAthkatla's i9000 population varies significantly by season. Roughly 130,000 local people live within its bounds during the winter and spring. The inhabitants is significantly bolstered during the summer, rising to around 400,000. The human population is approximately 90% human and 10% other races.Major productsEvery imaginable product can be obtainable in this city-for a price, indeed several of the experience stores frequently restock with greater weapons, armor and accessories from every possible component of.Equipped forcesAthkatla'h 4,000 guy garrison can be brought by Captain BeeIars Orhotek, with á small Council Navy (eight boats and deck hands, 900 qualified sea-warriors). Eách of the major mercantile homes and family members of the city personally manage 100 to 500 (the legal optimum) pads.Notable mages Vynmarius is certainly one of several wizards freely recognized in Amn, hé emanates an aura of distrust and nuisance.

He will be feared as a well-known agent for the Authorities of Six (and, some state, for the ).Puhrain Bollivar is usually a guarded female in her late 40s, she will be recognized as a ánd odds-takér in the QuiIl Area of Athkatla. She is definitely secretly a diviner, broker, and partner of the Authorities's Tessarch.Any wizard of notable skill permanently inhabiting Athkatla are usually either puppets of the Authorities or are usually very nicely concealed.Waukeen'beds Promenade The viewpoint is certainly a prominent, oval-shaped, located in the center of Athkatla. The Viewpoint is named after, the missing Goddess of Prosperity.

A great part of it was ruined by the. Situated within the Promenade are common stores, bookshops, houses, a carnival, stores carrying numerous sundries, inns, ánd the Adventurer's Mart, run by previous Ribald Barterman.CIergy churches ArbaIest's House, a monastery and temple to the lord on the hillsides north of GoIdspires and the harbor will be one of the almost all notable churches in Athkatla. The mysterious Patriarch of Music oversees developments. This forehead is substantial for three reasons: It has been Milil's place of relaxation during the; it houses the awesome organ called the Bellows óf Milil (which cán be heard nicely out into the have); and additionally, Milil himself produced a gate linking this temple and the bards' university of New 0lamn in Waterdeep.Thé Dome of thé Rose, monastery and temple to is certainly another significant religious framework located in the town's Treasure Area. Mornmaster Thaddin Dawnhunter, a tranquil priest with little disposition to, oversees the additional priests, monks, and followers.

The three-story temple hall will be capped with a domé of rose tinted cup that glows at start during morning tune and prayer services.Moonhall is usually a seven-sided conical forehead to in the Wave District situated near the waterfront. Great Priestess and Lunár Aryn Gallowglass, án elderly half-sister of the tyrant Ernest Gallowglass of Tethyr, is usually a wise business lady with three industry boats to her name. She ploughs back most of her revenue into the temple fund.Given the signs of Waukeen (pearls or cash) placed into several doorways and signboards in Athkatla, nearly every road comer there could become regarded as a shrine to the Coin Goddess.Many smaller, opulent shrines dignity gods like as Chauntea, TaIos, and Umberlee; oné lone shrine will be Ilmater'beds.Rogues thieves' guilds The, ánd the Rundeen aIl possess a presence within Athkatla. The shadow thieves are by much the most powerful guild, with many hundreds of operatives and very much impact within authorities.The Shadow Robbers were once the Robbers Guild of Watérdeep, until they had been driven out of that town by the Lórds of Waterdeep; thé Shadow Robbers subsequently fixed up a substantial training complicated and testing surface for an Assassin'h Guild in AthkatIa, which they aim to use to ultimately slay all the Lórds of Waterdeep. Tavérns and inns Thé Mithrest Resort - A extremely previous, cultured and fashionable resort, with much satisfaction and interest lavished on the comforts of each visitor.The Five Flagons - A brand new, clean and bustling drinking organization. This tavern has fast become famous for helping every recognized drink in.Den of the Séven Vales Festhall/Inn - Another new, clear and sizable place that caters tó adventurers and foréigners as well. The uncommon and rather confusing title serves one functionality; to draw in any passing curious persons, hence bolstering trade (there are usually no Seven vales anyplace near Athkatla).The Seas' Bounty Festhall/Inn/Tavern - The Oceans can be one of thé oldest taverns still standing up, but will be quite well kept.

This pub prides itself on poor service, toned beer, and cold sandwiches. Its one merit is certainly its good hot seafood stew. This is definitely the location of selection for monied Amnián youths to go slumming; the hook-handed proprietor identified as 'Thumb' elevated his prices to suit his new clientele.Silverale Hall Festhall/Inn/Tavern - One óf the oldest locations in Athkatla, it is a stone four-story developing. It offers much good meals and business, is very clean and well-kept, and is usually very often occupied but in no way crowded.Delosar's - An older, well-kept, however short-staffed.

Nearly all often visited by town protections.The Adamantine Mug - Another club, its major crowd are usually founded, up-and-coming mercantile folks. As like, the clientele is skeptical of fresh faces, settling often good enough whereupon a round of drinks is bought for the house. The conversation is nearly all often aside from that of mercantile things to do and trade, adopting a even more casual build.The Real estate agent Coronet - A very large, but decrepit meeting location of smugglers, piratés and peasants situated within the slums. It furthermore features as a brothel, and furthermore frequently levels illegal pet battles in a little arena concealed in the back again.Other press The town presented in the 2000 pc sport, as an preliminary environment for the player to collect missions and products.T Baldur's Door. Further information: Northkeep Northkeep had been established in (12 months of the Daggér): 162-3 on an isle near the southeast shoreline of the, abóut midway between thé present towns of Elventree ánd Elmwood. The city grew to become a beacon of world and a jumping-off stage for vendors.

The strength of Northkeep produced it a target for orcs, giants, and other evil beings, who formed the against the town.Northkeep appeared secure on its isle, but in (Year of the Blue Shield), a large force mounted on dragonback swépt over the city, while boats ended up an military; the city was overrun and sacked. To make their victory comprehensive, a drive of nonhuman magés and clerics gathered on the northern shoreline of the Moonsea and brought the vengeance óf: 87 down upon the destroyed city, going it beneath the surface area of the Moonséa.: 73The submerged city can be reputed to be haunted.

A bell, identified as the 'BeIl in the Heavy', rests in one óf the tallest immersed podiums, and at periods, individuals on nearby ships can hear the ghostly bell band.: 160 P Phlan. Further details: S i9000 Scornubel Scornubel (furthermore identified as Caravan Town), situated in the óf the of ón the entire world, is a main tradestop both for caravans going north and southerly. Goods of all types can end up being found here practically year-round. The town is also a hotbed of conspiracy.

Reputable lords and thosé of a even more shady type, rulers of bastions of good, the experts of the, all arrive to Scornubel to employ in political activities or swap secrets that might find their power stripped from them at home.If you need goods, they can end up being discovered in Scornubel. If you need information, it can become discovered in Scornubel. But there's often a price connected.Secomber. More info: Selgaunt SelgauntlocationInformationRulerThe HuIornLocated inPopulation56,514Selgaunt is definitely a city with more than 56,000 residents, and is certainly the largest ánd one of thé wealthiest metropolitan areas in the merchant nation of. Its nature is definitely that of a opening city located on the northwestern banks of the Sea of Fallen Stars at the mouth area of the water Arkhen. This was initially a servant city begotten from the coast line of traditional western world, henceforth identified as Selgaunt.

The founder of the city of Selgaunt has been a bad author by the title of Barthoemue Jacobié Rankster from thé initial age.The city offers the setting for the novels of The Sembia Collection, the 1st of which had been an of smaller sized stories, The Halls óf Stormweather, by many authors released in 2000.Silverymoon Silverymoon was dominated for decades by Higher Female, one of the and furthermore Chosen of, the goddess of magic. Alustriel walked down, paving the way for, who will be now leader of the entire confederation. Regarding to the first boxed established, the name Silverymoon comes from a 'diviné ' of the same name.

Silverymoon became a city in 637, when a rock wall has been built around it for the first period and the 1st leader of Silverymoon, Large Mage Ecamane Truesilver, was selected. The town has a inhabitants of 26,000. Skullport. Additional information: Suldanessellar SuldanessellarlocationInformationRulerQueen EllesimeLocated inTethyrPopulation. More info: Winterkeep Winterkeep is certainly one of the greatest (if not the greatest) city in, on the region of.

Initially a nobleman's estate, it afterwards grew to become the winter season structure of the full. Located on the southern side of a bay in, it may perhaps be likened to true planet, or a remote. It may also be compared to any city bordering the real-worId, albeit it is definitely not located in ('s comparable to North North america).Far east of Winterkeep are the Glittering Spires, arguably Toril's (éxcept that Urals are usually actually very low in altitude, hardly a hill range at all).Z . Zhentil Keep ZhentiI Keep is thé main base óf operations for thé.: 123 The city was later on wrecked by.References. Ed Greenwood, and Karen S.

Martin (1987). Overlooked Realms Advertising campaign Place. ^, and, 2002, 2009-06-03 at the., (Summer 2001). Wizards of the Coast., and Karen T. Martin (1987). Ignored Realms Marketing campaign Collection (Cyclopedia of the Area).

TSR, Inc. James Butler, (1994). Elminster'h Ecologies (The Great Gray Land of Thár).

TSR, Inc. (1993). Volo's Guidebook to the Northern, TSR, Inc. Greenwood, Ed. Damages of Myth Drannor (, 1993). ^, (June 2001). Wizards of the Coast.

Sunset Mountains Forgotten Realms

^ and (September, 2007). Wizards of the Coastline. Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Information to Role-Playing Games.

Prometheus Textbooks. Pp. 103-104. (1998-11-02).

Sunset Mountains Forgotten Realms 2

The City of Ravens Bluff. Area (2003-05-29). Video gaming Survey. Retrieved 2008-06-27.; (1987).

Forgotten Realms Movie

Overlooked Realms Advertising campaign Collection. (TSR, 1987). (1997). Gets of Interest (Tethyr), g. TSR, Inc. Thomas Meters. Reid, Wil Upchurch (June 2006).

Mysteries of the Moonsea. Wizards of the Coast.

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